Thursday, November 20, 2008

Micheal Phelps loved by America, Hated on Digg

So I ran across this really great article by a new blogger that is just a natural damn storyteller. I mean it is just from the heart. I found it on Digg, in by usual nite of Digging my butt off.

It is not about Michael Phelps, really it is about swimming and how much the guy that wrote loved competitive swimming.

So here is my point, America may love Michael Phelps but man do guy on Digg hates Michael Phelps. Maybe they are just jealous because he looks great in a Speedy. Maybe the life guard at the pool beat them up alot. Maybe their girlfriend screams "MICHAEL" during sex.

I don't' know but they don't like him over there. This was almost a Top 10 reasons why but I decided that was to much effort for Digg or Phelps.

Cya on Digg.

Robert Neville, the Last Digger on Earth

Monday, November 3, 2008

Top 10 Reasons Robert Neville Will Be President

It is between me, Robert Neville and Mathias tomorrow for president, WHO will be?

I can tell you this: That ain't no gas pump in my hand!

This is who I am.

My opponent is Mathias, leader of the family. He has almost had me many times, but as I said, that ain't no gas pump in my hand.

So here are the top ten reasons, I, Robert Neville, the last Digger on Earth will be President tomorrow...

#1. The family don't Digg.

#2. The Digg recommendation engine did not recommend Mathias for president.

#3. The poles open after dawn.

#4. The poles close before dark.

#5. The family tried to vote via proxy but no one picked up the mail.

#6. The votes will be counted in Florida.

#7. The family burnt all the ballots.

#8. Mathias could not advertise since the family does not watch TV.

#9. Neville put all the voting machines in his garage.

#10. Robert Neville is the last Digger on Earth and he voted for himself.

Who will you vote for tomorrow? Me or Mathias? Or will it be somebody else?